15 March 2023
European olive oil, quality and goodness guaranteed
How many times have you thought about slowing down to be able to fully enjoy every moment in life?  The first step in doing so should take place in at the dinner table! Experts [...]
15 March 2023
Many more springs to enjoy thanks to European olive oil
Flowers are blossoming as the Japanese landscape is tinged with the pink hues of cherry trees, and a sense of re-birth spreads around during the most beautiful of seasons.  The [...]
07 February 2023
European olive oil compresses to fight the cold weather
Japan is a country full of amazing wonders that can be appreciated all year long.  One of these can be seen during the cold month of February, when people go visit the huge [...]
07 February 2023
European olive oil: the rule of the 'two' to use it every day
Did you know that fats are actually indispensable for one's health?  It may sound like a contradiction but without fats, absorbing vitamins and other beneficial substances necessary [...]
13 January 2023
Personal care and home chores? Olive oil comes to the rescue
In ancient Greece, olive oil was used to protect bronze statues from erosion.  Olive oil can protect even the most delicate and valuable surfaces from dust, rain, snow, and wind.  A [...]
13 January 2023
Different shades of European olive oil
How to tell the difference between a 'young' and a 'mature' olive oil? The answer lies in its color. But what exactly determines the color of an excellent olive oil?  Let's learn [...]
21 Dicember 2022
A ‘smart’ dish seasoned with European extra virgin olive oil
Life can be hectic: school, work, family, and unforeseen events can force us to sacrifice a proper diet.  Experts say that even a quick meal can provide a healthy supply of energy [...]
21 Dicember 2022
European olive oil is the best ally of a healthy and glowing smile
That olive oil is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory is now confirmed by dozens of scientific studies in every corner of the planet. What was not known until recently, is that [...]
15 November 2022
Star-like eyelashes with European olive oil: the greatest beauty ally
If you think that having thick, long and well-defined eyelashes is a long-lost battle, you'll have to think again: with proper care and attention, your eyelashes will grow strong and [...]
15 November 2022
The latest scientific research confirms the beneficial qualities of olive oil
The scientific community disseminates the latest research findings on the beneficial effects of olive oil on Dr Anna Alisi, head of the Complex Characters Molecular [...]
10 October 2022
How to taste extra virgin olive oil: master the art of ‘stripping’
Many people ask us what are the best testing techniques for European olive oil, a product so dear and loved in Japan.  Here's an easy guide to try your hand and have fun at the art of [...]
10 October 2022
Cozy Autumn atmosphere with homemade olive oil candles
Autumn is back with its cozy and calming shades of red. It’s the season of ‘long evenings’, when the sun seems to be rushing to set below the horizon. In the month of [...]
19 September 2022
Autumn: European olive oil to kick-start healthy eating again
Once the great heat (taisho - 大暑) is over, say goodbye to swimsuits and sunscreen and welcome to notebooks and new work challenges.   Autumn is the season of new beginnings, [...]
19 September 2022
Science is clear: European olive oil is more effective than coffee and [...]
Worn out, lacking strength and a little down in the dumps? Olive oil may be a better remedy than coffee and chocolate, according to science. Word from European Neuropsychopharmacology - [...]
04 August 2022
"Itameshi" and Chef Hiro: Japan's passion for European olive oil.
There is a natural chemistry between Japan and Mediterranean cuisine, especially the Italian one, so much so that there is a word in Japanese "Itameshi" which means from Italy, and Meshi, [...]
03 August 2022
The Mediterranean Diet, the best in the world for the fifth consecutive year
For the fifth year in a row, the Mediterranean Diet was crowned number one in the Best Diet Ranking published in U.S. News & World Report, a leading entity in the field. The ranking is [...]
22 July 2022
Nutritionists agree: spaghetti aglio, olio di oliva e peperoncino is a healthy [...]
A simple, quick and, above all, healthy, recipe. Spaghetti aglio, olio e peperoncino is a traditional Italian recipe, also called 'spaghettata di mezzanotte' as it's the perfect [...]
22 July 2022
Discovering the ancient olive grove of the Roman emperor Hadrian, cradle of [...]
European extra virgin olive oils that arrive in Japan carry with them centuries of history and excellence.   A prime example is the Olio di Roma PGI, which comes directly from [...]
22 June 2022
European olive oil is a valuable friend in 'water month'
It's time for early summer rains in Japan. In June, called "the month of water" (Minazuki 水無月), the hydrangeas bloom and brighten the country’s gardens, while plum trees are [...]
22 June 2022
Fresh and creative ideas for the summer? Flavored European oils!
Flavored oils add a whole new dimension to every dish, perfect for seasoning meats, fish, salads, and risottos. It only takes a few steps to turn an excellent European extra virgin olive [...]
12 May 2022
More than just an ingredient: many surprising ideas to use olive oil at home
An old Italian saying goes:  ‘Se hai un problema, aggiungi olio di oliva’ literally meaning ‘When you have a problem, add olive oil’. A saying so popular that [...]
12 May 2022
Olive oil, the best addition to a baby’s diet
Scientific research suggests that extra virgin olive oil is a beneficial and healthy addition to a baby’s diet. The reason is that this oil has very similar nutritional values to breast [...]
07 April 2022
Japan loves European olive oil: the 10th edition of the Japan Olive Oil Prize [...]
The story between Japan and European olive oil can be described as long and prosperous.  According to the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Japan ’89% of total imports come from [...]
07 April 2022
Ogawa and Yoshimoto: Mediterranean olive oil in the novels of great Japanese [...]
"When it came time to season, the bottle of extra-virgin olive oil I had directly been sent from Italy slipped out of my hand...". The olive oil mentioned in more than one page of the [...]
15 March 2022
Olive oil in the ‘Enchanted Kitchen’ by the master of animated cinema Hayao [...]
Many have defined the particular flavor of extra virgin olive oil as ‘enchanted’. The master of animated cinema Hayao Miyazaki has celebrated this golden elixir in some of [...]
15 March 2022
Let your nose take the lead Here some fun ways to train your smell and [...]
Your taste buds aren't the only tool that can be used to recognize and enjoy European olive oil. Your nose also plays a key role in this sensory experience.  Mediterranean extra virgin [...]
16 February 2022
The Spritz you didn’t expect: European olive oil and Japanese Beer.
It’s been talked about for some time online and the blog ‘La Cucina Italiana’ has finally shared an amazing new recipe to try with friends: the main ingredient? Extra [...]
16 February 2022
Olive oil and Ancient Romans: from the sweet and sour appetizer with apricot to [...]
Ancient Romans called it ‘a matter of taste’ and they were right! Many of the dishes eaten by the Ancient Peoples of the Mediterranean coast are still appreciated [...]
19 January 2022
Laure Kié, the writer from Tokyo:
Differences and similarities between Mediterranean cuisine and Japanese cuisine: "They have opposite ingredients because of climate. Soy, Daikon turnip, seaweed and rice versus olive oil, [...]
19 January 2022
Olive oil and frying pans: eight golden rules to fry your food
Fried foods are delicious, but frying should be done following some simple rules to avoid “altering the oil and causing the formation of harmful substances for the body.” The [...]
07 Dicember 2021
Did you know that olive oil is the best substitute for sesame oil?
Particularly popular in Japanese cuisine, light sesame seed oil can be substituted with European olive oil. The flavor of virgin olive oil, light or extra light, is close to that of sesame [...]
07 Dicember 2021
Wrinkles, heartburn and hair loss: Use olive oil to keep healthy on the inside [...]
While olive oil may be more expensive than other oils, its numerous uses and benefits both in the kitchen and for personal care, make it an irreplaceable ingredient.  In the kitchen, olive [...]
12 November 2021
Olive oil: so much more than just a condiment. Even the experts say so!
‘Riza’s word’, one of the most famous magazines in Italy for the well-being of body and mind reports that: "Extra virgin, superfine, fine or virgin, olive oil is always a guarantee of [...]
12 November 2021
November 26th is International Olive Tree Day: a symbol of peace and prosperity
"The olive tree, a symbol of peace, wisdom and harmony, contributes to the sustainable economic and social development of peoples. Celebrating International Olive Tree Day promotes [...]
07 October 2021
Is fried food bad for you? Research debunks this false myth:
Is boiling vegetables actually healthier than frying them?Scientific research has debunked this common misconception through a series of rigorous experiments, showing that frying can in [...]
07 October 2021
Mediterranean Diet: an all-encompassing lifestyle
"If we want to popularize the Mediterranean diet again and promote its health and environmental benefits, we must stop viewing it as an idealized diet regimen frozen in time back in the [...]
12 September 2021
Nothing goes to waste: the incredible properties of olive leaves. An [...]
According to some scientific research the leaves of the olive tree seem to have incredible health benefits.   As some international studies have suggested, the properties of olive leaves [...]
01 September 2021
Oil and furry friends: a way to boost their health
Olive oil is a natural product at the heart of the Mediterranean diet. But what benefits can our furry friends get from it? Is it a suitable ingredient for their diets?   The natural and [...]
12 August 2021
Olive oil for an ever-youthful brain: an all Italian scientific discovery
What are the effects of extra virgin olive oil on the brain? Can this precious Mediterranean extract slow down aging and keep brain cells young for as long as possible?   A research by the [...]
05 August 2021
Olive oil and Japanese teppanyaki: a flawless combination of taste and style
More than just a cooking method, Teppanyaki is the epitome of Japanese cuisine.   "This technique - writes Alessia Dalla Massara on the website - originated in the Japanese [...]
12 July 2021
An easy and handy guide to reading labels of European olive oil
How to read European oil food labels correctly? The Italian Council for Research and Experimentation in Agriculture has published a very useful guide on the subject, edited by Gabriella Lo [...]
08 July 2021
Science: an intelligent knife to analyze extra virgin olive oils
An original and yet scientific method to assess the authenticity of extra virgin olive oil. It has been developed by the University of Messina, in Italy, and it is, to say the least, [...]
25 June 2021
Bread and oil: 10 recipes to revamp the ultimate healthy grandma's snack
What could be tastier and healthier than a snack made with olive oil and bread?   Are you looking for new and original ways to use these two simple and genuine ingredients to make new [...]
25 June 2021
Different shades of olive oil: secrets and properties
“It tastes good, it’s good for you and it’s the ultimate condiment in the Mediterranean cuisine. But how do you choose a good extra virgin olive oil?” That’s the question raised [...]
25 June 2021
Olive oil: what is the "right quantity"?
The benefits of European extra virgin olive oil are indisputable: decades of scientific research has continuously confirmed and further explored this fact.   Nevertheless, one question [...]
25 June 2021
The thousand-year-old olive tree of Canneto Sabino: a natural wonder
Italian Law 10 of January 14, 2013, on the regulation for the development of urban green spaces,  established the general criteria for the categorization of monumental trees and the [...]
25 June 2021
Olive Oil, Elixir of life
European olive oil is recognized as an elixir of life by the scientific community. As the Valter Longo Foundations states in a recent article on the latest medical research, olive oil has [...]
27 May 2021
Treating diaper dermatitis with olive oil
How many times have we found our little ones in tears with no idea where their discomfort came from, only to find them covered in small dots and reddened skin when removing their diaper? [...]
27 May 2021
Olive oil and raw honey beauty mask
For a glowing and beautiful skin, the keyword is ‘nourishment’.   Changes in temperature, heat and cold, tend to affect the skin and cause severe dryness.   The best way to avoid [...]
27 May 2021
The evocative flavors of the Washoku and Mediterranean diets
The word Washoku not only symbolizes the harmonious nature of Japanese cuisine, declared an intangible heritage of humanity by UNESCO in 2013. Its meaning carries four hundred years of [...]
17 May 2021
Olive Oil: ‘to each dish its own’ The perfect combinations
European olive oil the perfect “match” for the Mediterranean diet. An incomparable and inseparable combination. But remember, not all olive oils are the same: in Italy alone there are [...]
24 April 2021
Olive oil, a guide on how to store it properly
Some people prefer to buy one bottle at a time while others prefer to stock up. Either way, it is important to know how to store olive oil properly to preserve the beneficial virtues and [...]
24 April 2021
Sukkar: the fusion-style diet that combines Mediterranean and Japanese cuisines [...]
A tasteful journey that brings the East and the West together thanks to a fusion of Mediterranean and Japanese cuisines and that allows you to get back in shape by losing weight. The idea [...]
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