Olive oil is a staple ingredient and the main condiment of the Mediterranean diet. It is preferred to other types of vegetable oils or fats for its genuineness, being the only oil to be produced only by pressing the olives, without chemical or industrial treatments. Also, it is preferred to other oils for its antioxidant properties, which derive from being obtained from a fruit, one of the main ‘natural sources’ of antioxidants.
Olive oil does not contain carbohydrates and proteins and is composed almost exclusively of a mixture of lipids (98-99%). Triglycerides prevail, whose composition is represented by monounsaturated (about 75%), saturated (about 16%), polyunsaturated (about 9%), fatty acids.
Among the other components (about 220 substances) there are fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin A and D, phytosterols and polyphenols.
Among the monounsaturated fatty acids, oleic acid prevails, which gives olive oil greater stability than other vegetable oils in which the share of polyunsaturated fatty acids is higher, making them easily exposed to the risk of oxidative damage by atmospheric agents and contaminating metals, and thus having negative consequences on the health of the organism. Over time, in fact, they can promote the production of free radicals, responsible for cellular aging, atherosclerosis, inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases.
Oleic acid, on the other hand, has anti-hypertensive and protective properties for the health of the cardiovascular system, recognized by EFSA, the European Food Safety Authority, which recommended its dietary use instead of saturated fats.
Other properties recognized by this monounsaturated fat are to be found in a strong anti-inflammatory action, fighting autoimmune diseases and inhibiting the action of bacteria and fungi. It is then recognized as having anticancer and cardiovascular effects, as well as being considered an important source of energy.
Not to be disregarded are the minor components of extra virgin olive oil. Several scientific studies have shown that they play an important antioxidant function and are able to exert a preventive action towards the onset of chronic degenerative diseases (cardiovascular, oncological, degenerative diseases of the nervous system, aging). Polyphenols, in particular, have an antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect.
This is why regularly using extra virgin and virgin olive oil in your diet means taking care of yourself. A natural way to love yourself!
Olive oil does not contain carbohydrates and proteins and is composed almost exclusively of a mixture of lipids (98-99%). Triglycerides prevail, whose composition is represented by monounsaturated (about 75%), saturated (about 16%), polyunsaturated (about 9%), fatty acids.
Among the other components (about 220 substances) there are fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin A and D, phytosterols and polyphenols.
Among the monounsaturated fatty acids, oleic acid prevails, which gives olive oil greater stability than other vegetable oils in which the share of polyunsaturated fatty acids is higher, making them easily exposed to the risk of oxidative damage by atmospheric agents and contaminating metals, and thus having negative consequences on the health of the organism. Over time, in fact, they can promote the production of free radicals, responsible for cellular aging, atherosclerosis, inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases.
Oleic acid, on the other hand, has anti-hypertensive and protective properties for the health of the cardiovascular system, recognized by EFSA, the European Food Safety Authority, which recommended its dietary use instead of saturated fats.
Other properties recognized by this monounsaturated fat are to be found in a strong anti-inflammatory action, fighting autoimmune diseases and inhibiting the action of bacteria and fungi. It is then recognized as having anticancer and cardiovascular effects, as well as being considered an important source of energy.
Not to be disregarded are the minor components of extra virgin olive oil. Several scientific studies have shown that they play an important antioxidant function and are able to exert a preventive action towards the onset of chronic degenerative diseases (cardiovascular, oncological, degenerative diseases of the nervous system, aging). Polyphenols, in particular, have an antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect.
This is why regularly using extra virgin and virgin olive oil in your diet means taking care of yourself. A natural way to love yourself!