European olive oil compresses to fight the cold weather

Japan is a country full of amazing wonders that can be appreciated all year long. 

One of these can be seen during the cold month of February, when people go visit the huge sculptures of the Ice Festival on Lake Chitose Shikotsu in Hokkaido.

Witnessing the beauty of these giant masterpieces made of frozen water is a truly unique experience. One of the most fascinating sights at the event is seeing how the sculptures take shape thanks to the skilful craft of the artists and the clever use of the natural elements. Humankind and nature become creators of beauty. 

During these cold months, it is most common to experience dry hands and chapped hands, which can, in severe cases, cause deeper wounds and infections. 

Even in this case humankind and nature can work together to find a creative solution to the problem: European olive oil. Mediterranean weather combined with the production techniques handed down from ancient Rome are able to produce one of the purest and most beneficial extracts in the world. 

The best ally against dry, cold-chapped hands is extra virgin olive oil.

A perfect and natural remedy, that provides the skin with the fats lost due to the cold weather, thus strengthening the elasticity of the epidermis. 

Excellent hand moisturizer thanks to the many vitamins it contains, European olive oil is even more effective if applied and left on the skin overnight. 

Simply apply a generous amount of oil to your hands and massage gently. Cover your hands with cotton gloves and leave overnight. This procedure should be repeated until the skin regains its elasticity and glow. 

Say goodbye to dry, itchy and chapped hands thanks to this wonderful extract. 

A useful remedy also against dryness caused by aggressive chemical detergents, which  is perfectly safe also for children and pregnant women.

Your hands will look healthy and beautiful! 


07 February 2023

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