● 600 g of fresh salmon ready to eat raw
● 1 medium-sized avocado
● 1 bunch of chives
● 1 sprig of wild fennel
● the juice of ½ lime or lemon
● 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
● salt
● pepper
To prepare the salmon and avocado tartare, start by using tweezers to remove any bones from the salmon. With a long, narrow-bladed knife, remove the skin, then cut the salmon into slices about ½ cm thick. Cut the thicker slices in half again, then cut into regular cubes. Peel the avocado, remove the stone, then cut it into cubes the same size as the salmon. Put the salmon and avocado in a bowl and add the oil, lime juice, a pinch of salt and ground pepper. Add the chopped chives and fennel and mix it up. Spread the salmon and avocado tartare on the plates using a round pastry cup about 8 cm in diameter and serve immediately.